Optimizing Buggy Boy (2)
Wed 13th May 2020   
Now that the final scroller is finally running at an acceptable speed, the second most pressing issue is the Mandelbrot fractal part.

Optimizing a scroller is just a matter of finding a fast way to copy things around, but optimizing a fractal is much more complicated due to the limitations of the 6502 processor regarding doing mathematics.

  Overlay Memory
Sun 10th May 2020   
A commonly misunderstood element of Oric computers is the actual memory layout and amount: Does the Oric has 48KB or RAM, as the Atmos label says, or 64KB as claims the Oric Nova 64?

The actual truth is somewhat in-between!

  Optimizing Buggy Boy (1)
Thu 15th November 2018   
On the weekend of 2-3 November 2018 the Demosplash party was held at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

There are not many demo parties in the USA, and even less of these showing Oric demos running on the actual Oric hardware specially with a Cumulus device!

  Performance Profiling
Sun 11th November 2018   
A few weeks ago NekoNoNiaow asked on the Defence Force forums if there was any profiling tools available for Oric programs "aside from the reliable but quite basic OSDK clock() function".

I had already worked on the topic, but no actual official release came out of it: Time to fix that!

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