“Yeah, awesome!”

“What do you mean by 'this is not a real quote'?”

“All your websites are belong to us.”

“I will sue you for using my meme!!!”

“Old computers never die .. their users do!”

Known OSDK issues

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If you found some issue in the OSDK, and it is not present in the list at the bottom of the page, you can use the formular below to give information about what you found.

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Reported by Dbug the Thu 9th April 2020

Issue #37: Crash on parsing 0xif 0
Details: By replacing by mistake a #if 0 by 0xif 0, I ended up with an internal compiler crash (possibly in lex.c around line 535 according to Jylam)

Reported by Dbug the Sun 31st May 2015

Issue #8: Use symbols in description file
Details: It is currently possible to have FloppyBuilder generate #define symbols to use from inside the program, but it would be nice to be able to use program symbols inside the description files, for example to use a label instead of a hardcoded loading address

Reported by RetrOric the Fri 1st February 2019

Issue #30: Add a way to target specific systems
Details: At the moment Oricutron is always launched in ATMOS mode, having a OSDKMACHINE variable set the -m Oricutron command line would be nice. (See: topic)

Reported by Badger the Wed 4th March 2020

Issue #36: Better handling of header removing
Details: Currently fails (using OSDK 1.12) and pauses cmd windows when trying to remove a header from a headerless Tap file. Would be nice to have option to either fail with error message and pause or just copy the source file to the new filename with no error message or pause.

Reported by RetrOric the Fri 1st February 2019

Issue #31: OSDK libraries should be system agnostic
Details: At the moment the OSDK libraries only work with 1.1 ROM, running programms that call the ROM will crash on Oric 1 or Telestrat. It would be nice to have some form of compatibility. (See: topic)

Reported by Waskol the Tue 28th August 2018

Issue #28: Additional BASIC functions
Details: Some users would like to have additional functions, similar to BASIC, like PLOT, SCRN, etc... added to the OSDK. (See: topic)

Reported by Waskol the Sun 2nd September 2018

Issue #26: Random generator conflicts
Details: When including lib.h, two defines exposing the 32 bit random generator conflicts with the RND function from the ROM, resulting in corrupted results. (See: topic)

Reported by Peacer the Sat 20th December 2014

Issue #6: Option to play a tune just once
Details: Is there an option to play the tune just once?When I load a music data and give the command to play it ( i.e. CALL#5600 ) it plays the tune again and again until I call #5603.It could be done by calculating the play time and than stopping it but I wonder if I can play it just once..

Reported by Peacer the Sat 20th December 2014

Issue #7: Option to specify the start address of the music at runtime
Details: Is it possible to start playing the tune located in certain memory locations?Such as, I can load a big sound data containing music into the memory starting from #6700, and use machine code to play predefined data such as backround music, music to play when player in the game fails etc.Think of 'super mario' game. Music plays during the game, and when the player is died it plays the death effect. This could be done also by loading the data from the disc everytime from different files when needed but slows down the gameplay or demo.. I am asking this also because, in previous version of mymplayer you shared, the player uses music data located after #7600 , now its using the data after #6700 . I have some musics converted according to previous version and located in #7600.. In conclusion, I am thinking of a music play command having parameters such as where is the music data in memory, how many time to play it etc.. such as !TUNE #6700,1 OR DOKE 0,#7000:POKE 2,1:CALL#5600 ( --> play the sound data located on #7000 just once ) Another parameter might be how long data to use or how long music to play in miliseconds.. By this way, different small sound datas can be loaded in different parts of memory and they can be called when they are needed seperately.

Reported by NekoNoNiaow the Fri 29th March 2019

Issue #34: Tap file that crash on first load but not on second:
Details: This does not happen for all program files but sometimes Oricutron will not properly execute a loaded .tap file and instead display the Monitor window showing the PC stuck at address $24D. When using the monitor to examine disassembled memory, the code is correctly present at address $600.

When that happens, issuing a RESET from Oricutron and typing manually CLOAD"" and re-inserting the proper .tap file is enough for the program to run normally.
For some reason, the first run always fail as described above but after a reset everything works as expected.

As noted, this happens only for one of my program, a 23,370 bytes long .tap file.
I can provide that .tap file and associated symbols file if needed.

Reported by Dominique Pessan the Sun 19th April 2020

Issue #38: Improved AIC converter
Details: It would be nice if the AIC converter supported user configurable combinations of attributes (defined in the picture as the two first pixel columns), and if it was possible to force PictConv to save the two columns with attributes so they don't have to be created by the program. And document that properly with picture examples as well!

Reported by Hialmar the Sun 3rd June 2018

Issue #23: Generated floppies have no free disk space
Details: Tap2Dsk generates floppies that only contain the provide files, without any spare space, that makes it unpractical to generate floppies for games or tools since you can't save any new file.

Reported by Hialmar the Thu 19th February 2015

Issue #1: Corrupted DSK files
Details: I have no idea why but if you copy files, edit files and the like you end up with corrupted files on the .dsk.

Reported by Dbug the Sat 1st January 2000

Issue #17: Windows 2000 compatibility
Details: WriteDsk is a very low level MS-DOS tool, unfortunately it is not able to access the floppy controller when used in a modern Windows system

Reported by Veltas the Wed 9th May 2018

Issue #22: .data section not working as expected
Details: If not specified, the .data section should by default start after the end of the .text section, they also should be saved in the binary, but apparently in non-relocatable mode this appears to be broken.

Reported by Christian the Thu 13th April 2017

Issue #19: MASM compatibility
Details: XA now handles correctly the ":" character in comments. The -M (MASM compatibility) option should be replaced by something that does nothing. (See: topic)

Reported by Iss the Sun 19th March 2017

Issue #15: Add advanced commands to the format
Details: to add possibility for simple "in-music" commands like "jump to_xxxx-th_vbl_frame" and "loop 3_times_next_xxxx_vbl_frames". Additionally having such "commands" can help for reducing the size of the YM data (See: topic)

Resolved OSDK issues

Reported by JiBé Perin the Sun 18th April 2021
Fixed in OSDK 1.19

Issue #39: OSDK Preprocessor variable
Details: Is it possible to have a way to give parameter to preprocessor cpp.exe? Like adding a %OSDK_xxxx% to the cpp.exe command line in build.bat

Reported by NekoNoNiaow the Thu 28th March 2019
Fixed in OSDK 1.14

Issue #33: Compiler.exe crashes
Details: Compiler.exe crashes when compiling the following source:
void main(void)
 int returnValue;
 char* argv[] = { "dhrystone" };
 returnValue = main( sizeof(argv) / sizeof(*argv), argv );
Compile with:
%OSDK%\BIN\compiler.exe -Nlibc -O0 source.c >source.c2

Reported by Waskol the Wed 29th August 2018
Fixed in OSDK 1.13

Issue #27: Missing EQ0W_C code generator macro
Details: When compiling some C programs, the code generator creates EQ0W_C instructions which unfortunately are missing from the macro file. (See: topic)

Reported by Chema the Fri 24th November 2017
Fixed in OSDK 1.11

Issue #21: Generated floppies have invalid CRCs
Details: Hi ThomH! I'm glad to read you have tested my game. This CRC bug is something related to FloppyBuilder, so it is Dbug who should fix it.

Reported by Dbug the Tue 14th July 2015
Fixed in OSDK 1.7

Issue #10: Add command to reserve space in description file
Details: It would be nice to be able to reserve a certain number of sectors without having to add a file. That would be particularly useful to reserve space for saving data in a game for example.

Reported by LeWurmling the Sun 29th July 2018
Fixed in OSDK 1.14

Issue #25: OSDK version number
Details: It would be nice to output the osdk version something like "Using OSDK version x.x" at the top of the screen when it builds the program, specially when several versions of osdk are installed.

Reported by RetrOric the Fri 15th February 2019
Fixed in OSDK 1.15

Issue #32: Syntax error in include/sys/sound.h
Details: The "#define NOTE_C-SHARP 2" uses an invalid "-" symbol that does not compile, should have been an underscore instead.

Reported by Badger the Tue 28th August 2018
Fixed in OSDK 1.13

Issue #29: Link error when calling the Sedoric function
Details: For some reason calling the Sedoric() function results in a link error. (See: topic)

Reported by Fra the Sat 21st July 2018
Fixed in OSDK 1.12

Issue #24: scanf and sscanf do not assemble correctly
Details: When trying to use the 'scanf' functions from the OSDK libraries, XA complains with multiple syntax errors.

Reported by Jede the Mon 13th February 2017
Fixed in OSDK 1.9

Issue #13: Linker failing to include relative files
Details: While working on Telemon, found out that it was impossible to link a module containing #include "../oric-common/include/asm/telemon.h"

Reported by Chema the Tue 12th January 2016
Fixed in OSDK 1.8

Issue #11: Linker does not process include files
Details: If you include files that define labels (ex: the loader data table) the linker will generally ignore them and throw a undefined externals symbols error.

Reported by Chema the Thu 2nd April 2015
Fixed in OSDK 1.6

Issue #4: Need a way to remove the spamming of "writing size %d track %d sector..." messages when using Old2Mfm

Reported by LeWurmling the Fri 1st September 2017
Fixed in OSDK 1.12

Issue #20: Oricutron fails to start
Details: If the project is not located on the same drive as the OSDK; Oricutron will fail to launch because osdk_oricutron.bat does not point it to the right location. Using START /d "%OSDK%\Oricutron" %OSDKORICUTRON% instead fixes it.

Reported by Symoon the Sun 9th April 2017
Fixed in OSDK 1.10

Issue #18: Incorrect tape header
Details: It seems Pictconv produces a header going from A000 to BF40 for a Hires screen, which is 1 byte too much (should stop at BF3F).

Reported by Chema the Sat 14th February 2015
Fixed in OSDK 1.6

Issue #3: The -o0 and -o1 options are doing the opposite of what the documentation claims they do

Reported by Chema the Fri 20th February 2015
Fixed in OSDK 1.7

Issue #2: Missing INIST and DiskName options
Details: Fabrice's version has two options, -i and -n, that can be used to set the INIST startup string and the name of the disk. The version of the OSDK does not have these options.The issue is actually that MAKE.BAT does not pass the parameters: Replacing the call to Tap2DSk by '%OSDK%\bin\tap2dsk.exe -n%OSDKDNAME% -i%OSDKINIST% %OSDKDISK% build\%OSDKNAME%.tap build\%OSDKNAME%.dsk' fixes the issue.

Reported by Jede the Wed 12th April 2017
Fixed in OSDK 1.10

Issue #16: CC65 compatibility
Details: o65 object files generated by XA are not compatible with CC65 and require some binary patching. (See: topic)

Reported by Jede the Mon 13th February 2017
Fixed in OSDK 1.10

Issue #14: Need user definable XA parameters
Details: Add a new parameter,OSDKXAPARAMS, which can be used to pass additional parameters to the assembler. A typical usage would be to pass additional defines using the -D notation.

Reported by Chema the Thu 23rd February 2017
Fixed in OSDK 1.9

Issue #12: Error with too many #defines
Details: The number of defines supported by XA is limited to 2340, expanding the value to something significantly larger would be welcome.

Reported by Godzil the Mon 1st June 2015
Fixed in OSDK 1.8

Issue #9: Restrict available 6502 instructions
Details: At the moment XA allows any 6502 instructions, such as PLX, PLY, PHX, PHY which are not available in the NMOS version of the 6502 used on the Oric. Ideally they should be refused by default, except if allowed from a command line flag.

Reported by Mike van der Lee the Fri 17th January 2020
Fixed in OSDK 1.16

Issue #35: Support variable frequency retuning
Details: As the mym format became quite multi-platform with players also available for the ZX Spectrum and MSX, it would be great if Ym2Mym could also be used for those platforms so people with real machines can enjoy the tunes of other machines.The sound chip frequencies differ between machines though and the converter already supports converting between 1000000 Hz for Amstrad CPC and 2000000 Hz for Atari ST (-t0 & -t1 parameters).

It would be fantastic if it could also support those other machines' frequencies; 1773400 Hz for the ZX Spectrum (the MSX one I couldn't find).

The way it works now is that the CPC is assumed as a target by default, with the possibility to override this for the Atari ST to be the target.

I think a flexible way would be if a parameter would be supported with which the f requency of the target machine could be specified.

Thank you very much in advance from everyone :D

Reported by Peacer the Sat 20th December 2014
Fixed in OSDK 1.6

Issue #5: Option to truncate long YM files
Details: Is it possible to make YM2MYM.EXE truncate the data and stop if music is too large?There are some long .YM musics, when converted to TAP file and loaded they reach the screen memory and even character definition.Maybe YM2MYM can produce .TAP file where data is not exceed after #A000.I know there's an option to define file size but this is just for 'not' using big sized files.

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Made with the OSDK

Space 1999
by José María Enguita

“An isometric adventure game, based on the original Space 1999 TV series from the 70s”

Released in 2009

“Wonderfull game”

“My favorit sci-fi tv-series in the 70th. Space 1999 is now a game for the Oric. This is GREAT!!! I have long worked to make a game about Space 1999 for the Oric, but this is much much better. But nice to see, that the Title (Space 1999) I have made, is used in the game. Now back to playing...”

“aaahhh Si c'etait sortie en 84 ou 85... l'Oric aurait mis une claque a pas mal de monde !!! Vraiment une prouesse de programmation Bravo”